A new PhD opportunity has recently opened, funded by the Northumbria University Research Development Fund. If you are interested in working with me, this is a great opportunity that provides 3-years of funded study: applications now are open for students, further details about this opportunity are available on findaphd.com.
My general research interests lie in a variety of subjects related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), design, sustainability, physical activity, and health and wellbeing. In particular for this call I am interested in supervising students on topics related to SportsHCI, health, sustainability, active transport and mobility justice in broad populations. You can read more about my research interests and current research projects, current and previous students, along with a list of my recent publications.
The deadline for applications is Friday 26th January 2024, but if you’re interested in applying then please get in touch with me as soon as possible, so that we can discuss your application.